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Conceive A Dream Foundation: Envisions a world where every person is provided with the opportunity to turn their dreams into reality, despite race, gender, marital status or socioeconomic status.

About the Founder

Shantrice Appleby, M.D, M.S 

Shantrice is a mother, sister, and daughter; who aspires to inspire others through her journey towards achieving her life-long dream of practicing medicine and being an agent of social change in her community and through-out the nation.

She is a native of Decatur, GA, where she attended K-12 school. Shantrice is a graduate  of Spelman College (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology), Mercer University School of Medicine (Master of Science in Preclinical Science) and Morehouse School of Medicine (Doctor of Medicine).

It was not until after completing her degree at Spelman, that she was bestowed with the vision that is now Conceive A Dream Foundation, Inc. Literally conceived from her very own experiences of being a single mother during college, through her struggles of learning how to balance full time collegiate life, full time employment, and full time parenthood, and many times falling short, this dream was nourished. Upon reflecting on her experience of being a unmarried young mother in the collegiate atmosphere, she realized her need for guidance, educational and financial support, and continuous encouragement along this arduous journey, was often absent from her life while in college. More in-depth reflection, revealed a deficiency that began well before college and was not unique to only women with children in school. But similarly, the need for guidance, educational & financial support, was essential for youth living in underserved communities, who are in dire need of encouragement, role models, and support. 

Despite having many odds against her, Shantrice is on the path towards achieving many of the dreams conceived when she was only a small child. Through this organization she hopes to help others conceive, pursue and achieve their dreams as well!


CAD seeks to promote healthy community engagement, educational literacy and advancement for underserved communities and under-represented individuals, through means of enhancing the ability of single mothers in college and youth from underserved communities to conceive, pursue and achieve their personal and professional dreams through cultivation of a community that provides unconditional support, mentorship, educational enrichment, and professional development. 



Shantrice is an amateur chef, her favorites include soul food cuisine and homemade lasagna, she also enjoys baking and is learning to master pound cake and red velvet cake recipes. She is an vivid writer, she blogs and has a collection of over 75 poems. She has dreamt of traveling the world, learning a new language, and tasting foreign delicacies! Her family of 3 are all passport holders and she hopes to expand their travel portfolio! She loves helping others by connecting those in need with resources and being a healthcare advocate for family and friends.

Professionally, she has a passion for primary care but will allow her journey and training to guide her toward her destined medical specialty. Shantrice is the ultimate DREAMER and hopes to one day craft a niche that allows her to incorporate her love for feeding the souls of others through her cooking, poetry and healthcare services!

Conceive Your Dream Today!

© 2023 Conceive A Dream Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Call Us:


Shantrice Appleby, Founder

   Conceive A Dream (CAD) Foundation, Inc.

P.O Box 864

Decatur, GA 30031


Federally Recognized 501(c)3

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